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Some Thoughts

Cathy 38-N-1 FPE

Philosophy the study of truth or principles underlying all knowledge. More specifically for our purpose - the philosophy of a particular subject: TRANSVESTISM.

From the acorn grows the mighty oak and so a discussion of such a complex ideological expression as transvestism must also have an acorn, or philosophical premise on which to base subsequent theory. My premise is that God created man in His Image and Likeness. I feel that “man” in this case means mankind which also includes the female of the species. Accepting this, subjective logic quickly will embrace the theory that mankind derives a potential for a dual expression at the very minimum on a social basis and I firmly believe it so. Some, of course, seem to have a capacity for dual expression on a Sexual level as well.

Whether you subscribe to the theory that ones' primary sex is determined at the moment of conception, or 7 days hence, science has definitely established that the potentiality of each and every one of us is to develop in either direction sexually. At the moment the chemical decision is reached, the embryo usually heads in only one direction in it's sexual development.

However, once the child is born and is capable of responding to external stimuli, we may encounter preferential GENDER expression. It need not of necessity follow that all boys must be rough in manner or coarse in speech or constantly dirty. Gender expression in the form of outgoing love, gentleness, quietness, appreciation and respect for others and even cleanliness may be observed (or NOT) in many children of both sexes. What we, the parents of these children, DO in general with this expression in our BOYS is the parting of all logic and reason due to our culturally